Statement from Grassroots Against I-1000
At this historical moment, we are so proud that Washington voters, who have once again defeated the use of racial preferences by the state government. The margin of victory would have been greater were it not for deliberately misleading language on the ballots. If the confusing and deceptive ballot language designed by the proponents of I-1000 had instead been truthful, there would have been a much greater number of “Rejected” votes.
It is utterly shameful, in the text of I-1000, the Legislature agreed to redefine the term, “preferential treatment,” so they can technically claim the bill eliminates “preferential treatment.” However, the bill gives substantial and specific preference to many groups, in stark contrast to the bill’s stated purpose. The claim that I-1000 would benefit veterans was fiercely dismantled by the Washington State Veterans Bar Association and is also directly contradicted by the bill’s text.
Many thanks to the hard-work and contribution from our volunteers who were able to get enough signatures for Referendum 88 to get onto the ballot. Otherwise, I-1000 would have passed as state law during a midnight session in April by the State Legislature without giving WA voters a chance to have their say.
At this Holiday season, let’s not forget those poor signature gatherers for the Pro-I1000 campaign, who still have not been paid after a year. Many of them are minorities, women and veterans that the I-1000 claims to help. But the Pro I-1000 side sneakily created a new PAC to escape the obligation to pay the $1.1 million in wages still owed to the workers. The money for those wages was spent on campaign propaganda. These workers have families to feed. Please pay them!
Diversity is not only skin deep. Everyone is a unique individual with something to contribute. We should KEEP discrimination ILLEGAL in Washington State. Voters chose to reject the identity politics that separates people by their race, gender, nationality, even sexual orientation to treat them differently. We are all Americans. Race-based affirmative action is not only ineffective but also hurts the minorities it intended to help.
Professor Gail Heriot research data[1] shows that the colleges practicing racial affirmative action actually end up with higher minority student dropout rates and less STEM graduates. The existing Washington State law from I-200 does allow social-economic based outreach program and affirmative action for helping low incomes. But I-200 banned the state government from using race-based preferences. Once again, WA voters made their voice heard in Olympia that they support hard work and individual merits over the empty promises of affirmation action.
Chief Justice Roberts once said: “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” With the majority of WA voters, we, the Grassroots Against I-1000, firmly support the American values based on the 14th Amendment and Civil Rights Acts. We are all born equal under the law.”
[1] A “Dubious Expediency”: How Race-Preferential Admissions Policies on Campus Hurt Minority Students
Gail Heriot, Professor of Law, University of San Diego School of Law, and Member, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
For the first time in WA history, more than 210 thousands voters petitioned within 2 months and successfully put the divisive I-1000 back to the November ballot to give voters a chance to reject it.
I-1000 would legalize discrimination and repeal the existing fair law I-200 which was approved by 58% voters over 42%. Voters’ voice is loud and clear: why do we want to repeal a fair law that is working well?
On the Nov. 2019 ballot, you will find an entry titled “Referendum Measure No. 88” . Its content will be the summary of Initiative 1000 (I-1000). I-1000 would allow the government to treat people differently based on race, sex, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, etc.
Should Initiative 1000 be:
[ ] Approved
[X] Rejected

[Breaking News]
Heated discussion on Sep 26 at the dinner hosted by Pro I-1000 campaign, where a signature gatherer for I-1000 wanted to get paid for their hard work. Pro I-1000 pac still owes $1.1 million to these hard working signature gatherers. See Seattle Weekly Report.
Was the microphone turned off when it went out of control?
I-1000 would force more than half a million veterans to compete for opportunities over other factors such as race, gender, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, etc.
Veterans sacrificed for our nation and they deserve better treatment! [Read more…]

WA voters approved I-200 in 1998 by 58.22% approval over 41.78%. I-200 banned discrimination against, or preferential treatment to any individual or group, on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity, or national origin. I-200 does allow outreach programs and policies helping the economically disadvantaged people.
Percentages of minority students in University of Washington increase steadily in the last 10 years due to the outreach programs helping low income and first generation college students. Source.
A new 2019 Pew Research Center survey finds that 73% of Americans and majorities across all racial groups agree that race should not be a factor in college admissions.
I-1000 claims it doesn’t use quota or preferential treatment(as defined). But there is a loophole in the new definition of preferential treatment. It allows less qualified candidates to be hand-selected over more qualified candidates based on race, gender, ethnicity, national origin etc, as long as the factor is not a sole factor.
Sections 3(8), 3(9), 3(11) of I-1000 show that it would lead to de facto quota in implementation. Read more.
Every single person should be judged, not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. We are all Americans. It is divisive to separate people by race, gender, ethnicity, national origin, or sexual orientation, etc. and treat them differently.
Mounting empirical research shows that race preferential policies actually hurt minority students, according to professor Gail Heriot’s 2015 research
“Dubious Expediency“.

I-1000 would create an unaccountable bureaucracy
I-1000 would create a massive governor appointed commission to enforce I-1000, which would expand government authority, open doors to corruption, and cost millions of tax dollars.
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